Computer Science

Computer Science Colloquium

Cristian Cadar
Imperial College London

Dynamic Symbolic Execution for Software Analysis

Thu 06.12.2018, 15:00, 90 minutes
S3 218


Symbolic execution is a program analysis technique that can automatically explore and analyse paths through a program. While symbolic execution was initially introduced in the seventies, it has only received significant attention during the last decade, due to tremendous advances in constraint solving technology and effective blending of symbolic and concrete execution into what is often called dynamic symbolic execution. Dynamic symbolic execution is now a key ingredient in many computer science areas, such as software engineering, computer security, and software systems, to name just a few. In this talk, I will discuss recent advances and ongoing challenges in the area of dynamic symbolic execution, drawing upon our experience developing several symbolic execution tools for many different scenarios, such as high-coverage test input generation, bug and security vulnerability detection, patch testing and bounded verification, among many others.


Cristian Cadar is a Reader in the Department of Computing at Imperial College London, where he leads the Software Reliability Group ( His research interests span the areas of software engineering, computer systems and security, with an emphasis on building practical techniques and tools for improving the reliability and security of software systems. He received the HVC Award in 2017, the ACM Computer and Communications Security (CCS) Test of Time Award in 2016, the EuroSys Jochen Liedtke Young Researcher Award in 2015 and an EPSRC Early-Career Fellowship in 2013. Cristian received a PhD in Computer Science from Stanford University, and undergraduate and Master's degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Invited by o.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hanspeter Mössenböck

The Computer Science Colloquium is organized by the Department of Coputer Science at JKU, the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Informatik (ÖGI) and the Österreichische Computergesellschaft (OCG).
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