StV Informatik & AI Bachelor Info Event / Bachelorinfoabend in January 2023

This page hosts all provided slides and videos the speakers agreed to share publicly outside of the actual events.

Artificial Intelligence

All presentations are combined into one video.

  1. How to: Bachelor's Degree (Max Heisinger, StV Informatik & AI) [Slides]
  2. Institute of Computer Graphics [Slides]
  3. Institute for Symbolic Artificial Intelligence and Institute for Formal Models and Verification
  4. Institute of Telecooperation [Slides]
  5. Institute for Application-oriented Knowledge Processing
  6. Institute of Computational Perception [Slides]
  7. LIT Cyber-Physical Systems Lab [Slides]
  8. Institute for Machine Learning
  9. Institute für Complex Systems [Slides]


Curriculum Guide: German English

  1. How to: Bachelor's Degree (Max Heisinger, StV Informatik & AI) [Slides] [Video]
  2. Institut für Computer Graphics [Slides] [Video]
  3. Institute für Complex Systems [Slides] [Video]
  4. LIT Cyber-Physical Systems Lab [Slides] [Video]
  5. Institut für Symbolic Artificial Intelligence und Institut für Formale Modelle und Verifikation [Video]
  6. Institut für Computational Perception [Slides] [Video]
  7. Institut für Netzwerke und Sicherheit [Slides] [Video]
  8. LIT Secure and Correct Systems Lab [Slides] [Video]
  9. Institut für Telekooperation [Slides] [Video]
  10. Institut für Systemsoftware [Slides] [Video]