Computer Science

Computer Science Colloquium

Prof. Reind van de Riet (emeritus Professor, Editor for Europe: Data & Knowledge
Free University, Amsterdam

Guaranteeing Security and Privacy in Cyberspace With the DKE Refereeing Process as Application

Tue 08.06.2004, 16:15, 60 minutes


Promising Security and Privacy in Cyberspace is an easy matter; guaranteeing Security and Privacy in Cyberspace, however, means proving correctness on three levels. It is about the correct functioning of information systems which deal with private personal information in a global manner using the Internet, such as the Civil Administration, Banks, Insurance companies, Personnel departments etc. in particular is the Refereeing Process in use by the editor for Europe sensitive with respect to privacy. The three levels are: 1. Highest: design of (distributed) database structure and application programs, in an integral way where all parties mentioned take part will be shown correct. Using ColorX, a tool based on linguistics such as WordNet++, the refereeing process, including the Security and Privacy rules, will be defined. This means “linguistic correctness”. 2. Middle: access algorithms used by the parties involved will be shown correct. 3. Lowest: using the Public Key infrastructure the protocols for communication are shown to be correct and such that intruders cannot attain important information, such as Credit Card Numbers. The players in the refereeing process: Author, Elsevier’s website, the Editor, and the Referees are supposed to be in four different sites; so communication with Security & Privacy rules to be complied to, is of the greatest importance. In the lecture it will be shown how such information systems can be built using the Mokum system. That is an object-oriented system in which the objects are active communicating agents, designed and implemented in the Information Systems Group at the Free University in Amsterdam. A comparison, with respect to access control, will be made with an ERP system SAP, a system in world-wide use today.


Reinder Pieter van de Riet (1939) was since 1970 professor in Computer Science at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam; he retired as of August 2000. He founded the Computer Science Department at the Vrije Universiteit, the Dutch Foundation for Research in Computer Science (SION) and the Research School. His research areas are: Databases and Knowledge bases; the use of Linguistics; Security and Privacy problems; Computational Auditing. He was Conference Chairman of several conferences, to note: VLDB98. He still is Editor for Europe of Data and Knowledge Engineering (Elsevier). He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Information Systems Journal. He is an active church organist and member of the KNOV. He wrote 4 books, edited 6 books and published over 120 papers in journals and conference proceedings.
Invited by a. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Werner Retschitzegger

The Computer Science Colloquium is organized by the Department of Coputer Science at JKU, the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Informatik (ÖGI) and the Österreichische Computergesellschaft (OCG).
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