Computer Science

Programmierwettbewerb Challenge24

Firma Catalysts sucht TeilnehmerInnen!

Challenge24 ist ein 24-Stunden-Programmierwettbewerb in Budapest. Im Februar kämpfen 3-er-Teams von der ganzen Welt um die Qualifikation, die besten 30 Teams dürfen Ende April im Finale in Budapest antreten.

"Traditionally, the contestants enter Challenge24 from every part of the world. Last year near 1000 contestants from 41 countries of 5 continents registered, including many returning competitors." (Quelle)

In den letzten Jahren sind leider keine österreichische Teams ins Finale gekommen. Heuer soll sich das ändern, denn die Fa. Catalysts wird ein paar Teams nominieren. Auch die Informatik-Olympiade (IOI) wird mindestens ein Team stellen.

Die Firma Catalysts möchte interessierte Software-EntwicklerInnen aus dem Kreis der JKU dazu bewegen, an diesem Bewerb teilzunehmen. Wer Lust hat und mitmachen möchte, kann sich einfach auf eintragen.

Der Ablauf ist folgendermaßen (siehe

  • Samstag, 18. Februar 2012: Probelauf für die Qualifikation (übers Internet)
  • Samstag, 25. Februar 2012: Qualifikation (übers Internet)
  • 27.-29. April: Finale in Budapest

Catalysts werden für die beiden Samstage im Februar in ihrem Büro in Linz (Huemerstraße 23, 4020 Linz) das perfekte Umfeld schaffen, damit sich die Teams von Catalysts, IOI und hoffentlich auch der JKU qualifizieren können.

Catalysts organisiert für die Finalteilnahme dann auch die Reise nach Budapest sowie die Unterbringung.

Original invitation

Are you up for a challenge?

Do you like extreme contests? Then the 12th BME International 24 hour Programming Contest, the Challenge24 is the right place for You! Here you are allowed to use any kind of tools, books, softwares, and languages to compete successfully, except for external help.

Informatics or artificial intelligence? Algorythm theory, mathematics? You might apply all of these if you want to be the best.

Those teams of threes that reach the final 24 hour round will need to prove that they are able to resolve the tasks quickly and efficiently. Do not expect an easy win! You might be required to demonstrate deep professional knowledge, or extreme creativity. Although, it is certain that you will need a well organized team with smooth operation, even under pressure.

The best team is to have the Challenge24 Cup for a year. In order, to win it you will have to defeat the top three finalist teams of the last contest in the final 24 hour round organized in Budapest. Another 81 professionals of 27 teams will qualify themselves from the five hour long semi-final held on 25th February, 2012. Thus, the bests out of the thousands of contestants from every corner of the world (Africa, Australia, America, Asia, and Europe) are meeting for the final 24 hour round between 27th April and 29th April, 2012 in Budapest.

The best finalist teams will be awarded with valuable presents, as well. During the final round we will provide you with food, drinks, and with the indispensable coffee, of course. After having toiled a lot with all the difficulties in the Challenge24 Programming Contest you have the opportunity to be discovered by the representatives of such companies as the major sponsor SAP or other important sponsors, such as Fornax, Google, iFlow, iGo or Graphisoft.

Registration is available until 23rd February on where you can find additional important information, as well.

Greetings and we hope to welcome you among the contestants,
The organizers

Last modified on Thursday, 13-Jun-2013 15:51:51 CEST