StV Informatik Bachelorinfoabend in January 2024

This page hosts all provided slides and videos the speakers agreed to share publicly outside of the actual events.


Curriculum Guide: German English

  1. How to: Bachelor's Degree (Max Heisinger, StV Informatik & AI) [Slides][Video]
  2. Institut für Computer Graphics [Slides][Video]
  3. Institut für Computational Perception [Slides][Video]
  4. Institut für Netzwerke und Sicherheit [Slides][Video]
  5. LIT Secure and Correct Systems Lab [Slides][Video]
  6. Institut für Symbolic Artificial Intelligence und Institut für Formale Modelle und Verifikation [Slides][Video]
  7. Institut für Complex Systems [Slides][Video]
  8. LIT Cyber Physical Systems Lab [Slides][Video]
  9. Institut für Pervasive Computing [Video]
  10. Institut für Software Systems Engineering [Slides][Video]
  11. Institut für Systemsoftware [Slides] [Video]
  12. Institut für Telekooperation [Slides][Video]
  13. Institut für Integrated Circuits [Slides][Video]